Inpatient care in Berlin

Nursing home and retirement home: people in need of care and their relatives tend to have a bad feeling about these places, because they remind them of negative media reports about the industry. Hardly ever do we hear of caring facilities where the inhabitants are treated in a dignified, humane manner.

If care at home or in a daycare facility is no longer sufficient, consider switching to inpatient care. There is a wide range of nursing homes in Berlin, including facilities that specialise in patients in vegetative states and people with dementia or other special illnesses. We are happy to advise you on what to look for before entering into agreements with these facilities and how to find a home that perfectly suits you and your loved ones.

Two people hold each other–™s hands reassuringly.

Finding a suitable home

Facts are just as important as your feelings when it comes to selecting the right inpatient care. Find out all the details about nursing and care services as well as food, location and amenities. Are the general atmosphere and conversational tone in the establishment positive? Many facilities also offer trial stays to find out how you and your dependants like the services in everyday life.

Cost of inpatient care

If the costs of inpatient care exceed the income of a person in need of care, he or she can apply for assistance at the social welfare office. In addition to the maintenance obligation of the spouse, they will also review whether the children of the patient can contribute to the costs of inpatient care.

11 – Full-time nursing care

If home or outpatient nursing care is no longer sufficient, it may become necessary to move to a nursing home. Full-time nursing care is mainly used by people who are in need of care in the sense of the nursing...

Read more Fact sheet no. 11 (41 KB)
34 – Maintenance obligation of children towards parents in need of care (help with care)

If the costs for nursing care exceed the income of a person in need of nursing care, he or she can get what is known as help with care from the social welfare office. As soon as the social welfare...

Read more Fact sheet no. 34 (268 KB)
35 – Care of severely ill and dying individuals

Severely ill and dying individuals need support and guidance, so that they can live out their lives according to their own wishes for as long as possible. The palliative care aims at reducing ailments and maintaining the quality of life...

Read more Fact sheet no. 35 (180 KB)
37 – Assistance for nursing care from the district authorities

Persons who need care because of their health status, but do not have the necessary funds to pay for the care (because no entitlement to care insurance benefits exists or because the benefits of the care fund are not sufficient),...

Read more Fact sheet no. 37 (122 KB)
38 – The scope of application of WBVG

The Residential and Care Contract Law (WBVG) is a consumer protection law and regulates contracts between traders and consumers of legal age, where the letting of residential  property is  linked  to  the  payment  or offer of  nursing or care  services....

Read more Fact sheet no. 38 (50 KB)